Painting for Alzheimer’s… What a Privilege!

Friday March 2nd we had the privilege of painting for a very special cause… Alzheimers. What a horrible disease… but what an honor to be able to use our gifts to bring smiles to peoples faces, and earn a few bucks for the cause. Every penny of our tips went to the fundraiser, and we drug ourselves home after midnight feeling energized and alive…

I know there is a famous quote:

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life!”


This is something we think about every single time we paint. Every time.

On that note, here are a few pictures from last night… The first is from our Bad and Bold Body Graffiti line, a ribbon for the cause that we designed on the spot. And thank goodness we did, we painted more than we could count!

The second is a beautiful intern who has a heart for Alzheimers. She was such a privilege to paint and it was such an honor to meet her and see the passion in her eyes for what she does and what she wants to do… reminded me of our love for our business…

Ribbon for a Cause Body Graffiti

Beautiful girl, beautiful spirit!


One more thing… To Dan and the rest of the Six Strings Staff… You guys were amazing, supportive, hospitable, and welcoming. It was as much of a privilege to work with you as it was to paint for this wonderful cause… Dan, thanks for the encouraging words, and Chelsea, thank you so much for all of your help!

Now, I am off to paint!


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